Blog Week 2 - Digging On (Shoulder Mobility)
I hope you enjoyed last weeks blog!
This week I had a patient that inspired today's blog. She reminded about the link the between the shoulders and the neck, and the importance of DIGGING ON when someone doesn't have a solution for you.
Did you know your shoulder is made up of 7 joints? Yes, 7 joints!!! That is a lot of muscles, ligaments, nerves and blood vessels that work together and impact the arm and the neck (among other parts). A shoulder should have a HUGE range of pain free motion available to it. Do your shoulders fit that description? Our shoulders were meant to move front, back, side to side. As we get older we stop using these ranges and our shoulders become stiff, sore, weak.
Try this weeks video AND try the following walking exercise. Report back and let me know how it goes.
Go for a walk with NOTHING IN YOUR HANDS. No purse, no phone. Swing your arms and open and close your hands. You’re welcome.
It is true your neck pain may be a shoulder issue. Your neck pain may also be an elbow issue, a wrist issue, a back issue, the list goes on. Did you know numbness and tingling your hands can actually be from restrictions in the front of your shoulder? Surgery won't fix that! You need rehab and homework.
I'm sure you don't need any more convincing... try out the movements in this week's video. If you really want to supercharge your shoulders and other joints . Find a pracitioner who will think away from the symptom and DIG ON. If you are in Toronto, you found one! Book in with me now —>