Blog Week 3 - Busting Hamstring Myths
Today I have to break some bad news to you… people have been lying to you for years!
Yes, that's right. You have been told to stretch your hamstring by bending over a straightened leg. Maybe you have even been told to raise your knee on a stair or a chair to get a "deeper" stretch.
Well, that is not a hamstring stretch, but it is a good way to stretch your sciatic nerve - OUCH!!!
So now that your reality has been shattered to pieces here is the REAL thing you need to know.
1. Your hamstring is actually made up of 4 - yes FOUR - muscles. They all start at your bum but two travel down to your inner knee and two to your outer knee.
2. There are 2 different stretches for your hamstrings and one of them is below. This one stretches your biceps short and long head.
Try this and let me know how it goes!!