Brain based Exercises
The brain is a muscle and it needs appropriate stimulation just like the rest of your muscles do. After a concussion how your brain is functioning can be disrupted. Using different head-eye-vestibular motion exercises tailored to your specific needs, you can heal and return to the work, school and the activities you love.
By now we know that what we eat maters. But, it may matter more then you think! We use doable suggestions that help support healing and reduce/limit excess inflammation. Our food can be medicine but on the contrary some food set us even further back from our goals.
Aerobic Exercise
Aerobic exercise is not only good for pumping blood through the body and brain, it is great for supporting healthy nervous system activity and even supporting sleep. We initiate aerobic activity early in rehab and gradually and safely initiate return to play/regular activity levels based on well established guidelines.
Manual Therapy
Anytime a concussion happens whiplash also happens. In treatment both the concussion and the whiplash must be treated to get you back to feeling great. Manual therapy such as cranial manual therapy and osteopathic manual therapy can reduce pain and restore movement.
Let’s get you started on the right track.