Osteopathic Manual Therapy
Osteopathy is incredibly effective for reducing chronic and acute pain as well as aiding in treatment of concussions, injuries, headaches, migraines, digestive issues. It involves manual manipulation of the muscles, ligaments, tendons and joints to facilitate the health of joints and muscles. An osteopathic treatment may seem similar to other manual therapies, however, the principles guiding treatment differ. Osteopathy is based on the principle that structure governs function and treatment planning focuses on rebuilding the health and resiliency of the body including all systems and not just focusing on the point of pain. Your body wants to heal and get stronger, sometimes it just needs a little push in the right direction.
visual and vestibular therapy
Visual and vestibular therapies focus on assessment of the how your eyes and balance centres are functioning and provide powerful treatment options after concussion. Through careful assessment we can determine which areas would benefit from rehabilitation exercises. Personalized exercises based on patients specific needs create the best results. The cookie-cutter model of care is now obsolete! We use visual and vestibular therapies with remarkable results for patients suffering from the following:
Brain fog
Optimizing brain health
And more...
Based on the principle of neuroplasticity, the Rehab Lab approach focuses on improving brain health and creating new connections in the brain. Our approach uses uses various receptors such a vision, hearing and joint receptors to activate the brain so there is more communication and higher functioning in the brain.
ELDOA (Étirements Longitudinaux avec Decoaptation OsteoArticulaire), or more easily translated to Longitudinal Osteo-Articular Decoaptation of the Spine are revolutionary postural techniques designed by osteopath Guy Voyer for widening (decompressing) the spaces between vertebra or the bones in your spine. Over time due to gravity, aging and postural stress it is no secret that we shrink- problems arise when the spaces shrink and compress on discs, nerves and other tissues in the area. ELDOA postures are extremely effective in helping to treat chronic back back, acute back issues, poor posture and many other issues. ELDOA exercises, when done on a regular basis, can help offset many of the risk factors that can cause degeneration and herniation of the intervertebral discs. ELDOA postures are often given as homework exercises and hey are incredibly effective when used consistently.
Neuromuscular Electrical stimulation
Nueromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) may help reduce/relieve pain and improve muscle function. NMES works well in combination with osteopathic therapy to improve circulation, regain muscle function, accelerate recovery from sports injury and accelerate muscle activation and gains after surgery. It has also been shown to help reduce symptoms in a number of chronic conditions. Patients suffering from injury or from chronic pain experience significant improvements when NMES is used in treatment.