Blog Week 6 - Success, Keyboard Warriors & Breast Implant Blues
Well here we are on week 6 of this blog and hopefully you are enjoying it as much as I am!
This week 3 topics!
1. Just say NO.
2. Banish your hunchback
3. Breast implant illnesses series
1. So I was thinking about how we hold ourselves back from success. I think about how many people are walking around leading mediocre lives because
a) they haven't dealt with their pain
b) they are letting their bodies waste away at a desk
c) they just let their injuries add up and become broken and broke semi-athletes, but there is an answer and you CAN get better. You just have to decide to. I literally had a friend ask me for advice, I said come see me this Saturday and I can help you. He decided not to and said he was just going to wait until it was better.
I don't understand this mindset because when I get injured I am on it asap and intensively- I WANT TO LIVE!!!! Life is short. No time for pain or limitation, or at the very least, lets keep it minimal.
2. Day after day we are getting better at what we do. Our tissues are also getting better and better at what we do. We actually are laying down new tissue at every moment and this tissue is based on what we repeatedly do. This means ranges we don't use are lost (can you still do the splits?) and we get better at being hunched over, shoulders forward, necks compressed, fingers curled.....beautiful, huh? Sounds like instagram model material for sure ;)
Carpal tunnel?
Tingling in your hands?
Cold hands?
These symptoms can be explained by over use, tissue changes, nerve and blood supply restrictions. Usually these can be treated and improved easily, but the longer you wait the harder it is to reverse (and more $$$) so get on this stuff early!
Step one: try this weeks stretch- remember, hold each angle for 2 minutes, really feel it and take long deep breaths when you do.
When you breath your tissues actually move through flexion and extension allowing yourself to get more out of the stretch.
3. There has been a lot of talk about breast implant illnesses and I have some interesting thoughts around these. I will be posting them on my IG account. Please watch them and take them in as food for thought. Also, anyone who has breast implants and thinks they are having side effects can come in for a complementary consultation and I will let you know if I think I can help.
This week opens up your anterior tissues, chest, shoulders and down to your forearms and wrists. If you are a human chances are you need this and will FEEL this one because most of us are hunches over keyboard warriors just making our tissues better and better at being ogres with hunches shoulders and curled in arms and hands (and fingers!).
This weeks video is also GREAT for those who have had breast implants or breast removal. If you play with the positions of the hands and really focusing on pushing with opposing forces in your arms you will feel different areas of tension. Hand out at the angles where you feel the tension for at least 2 minutes.
Take time to listen to your body. There are some angles where you don't "need" the stretch, and other angles your body will say YES please hang out here.
SO, DO THIS, let it sink in and enjoy.
Feedback always encouraged :)